

For individual travelers, we strongly recommend purchasing travel insurance before departure. This ensures that you have proper coverage and support in case of unexpected situations during your journey.
For travelers participating in organized tours, all responsible travel agencies for the group will purchase group travel insurance on behalf of the travelers. This type of insurance typically covers aspects such as accidental injuries, medical expenses for illnesses, lost or delayed luggage, and more during the travel period.
If you are joining a group tour, the tour bus company usually provides accidental insurance for passengers to ensure your safety during the bus rides.
8啪Likewise, if you are using legitimate driver-guide or chauffeur services, the service providers will also purchase accidental insurance for you during the transportation to ensure your safety.

However, if the activities you participate in are not covered by the travel insurance, we strongly recommend that you separately purchase insurance related to those activities to ensure safety and protection during the activities. 

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Update: 2024/03/20 22:02

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